Sunday, October 30, 2016

Model Crush Monday - Daphne Groeneveld

Wide-set blue eyes, bombshell figure, and more than a passing resemblance to Brigitte Bardot have made Dutch supermodel Daphne Groeneveld a favorite amongst designers, photographers and editors for over five years.  It is hard to imagine that this beauty once hated her pillow lips, which have now become her trademark.

Scouted at age sixteen, Daphne has gone on to front many campaigns based on her unique beauty, appearing in fragrance campaigns for Jean Paul Gaulthier, Dior, Calvin Klein, and Tom Ford � a rare feat for any successful model. 

Daphne has a rare ability to appear child-like or �femme-enfant� in some editorials and campaigns, and then overtly sexual in others, which makes her one of the most versatile models in the industry, allowing her to easily go between runways and editorials, to commercial clients.


At age 21, Daphne continues to appear in campaigns such as for Tom Ford and Miu Miu, and on the top magazine covers such as Vogue, Bazaar and Elle worldwide.  This �Baby Bardot� is ranked amongst the top 50 models in the world and has so many great projects in her future. With a face and body like hers, she will no doubt tire of the modeling industry long before it tires of her!

XOXO  Shelley
#Daphne Groeneveld #Dutch supermodels  #top fifty models ranked #Dutch models #Baby Bardot  #Shelley Goodstein #Model Crush Monday

Friday, October 28, 2016

Be a Babe in Braids! Inspiration For The Best Braids For Every Skill Level

Braids are having a moment and for good reason: they are the hairstyle equivalent of a lifesaver.  Going out and want to create a sexy look?  Windy day and you want a style that won�t fail?  Haven�t washed your hair or gotten a blow out in a couple of days?  Lazy weekend and you want to look like you at least made something of an effort before you went to brunch?  Getting married and want a modern version of an up-do?  Working out and want to rock something more original than a ponytail? Braids are your answer, so if you have been hesitating to give them a try, fearing you might look a little bit like Heidi on a hillside in Switzerland, give them a try!  There is a style for every skill level.  They don�t have to be �perfect� and precise, so don�t stress if you are new to braiding your own hair.  If you are really dexterous there are amazing styles you can try for all hair types.  You Tube is loaded with how-to videos so you can take your time and learn various braiding techniques at your own pace.  Consider this you inspiration guide and get braiding!  

If your hair is newly washed, use a dry shampoo to add volume and create texture on the hair shafts so the style will have a bit more hold to it and not simply fall out. 

For a sexy, romantic look, gently pull at the braids to loosen them slightly releasing small hairs.  This works really well with a fishtail braid and can cover up a less-than-perfect technique.

If you washed your hair a day or two ago, use a volumizing product to add texture and add a tiny bit of hair oil to the palms of your hands to add a bit of shine along the strands as you braid them.  It isn�t necessary to braid the entire head, so try just one or two braids and use hairpins to secure them in place.   

Feeling really creative?  Go wild and design your own fearless, bad ass warrior princess look. Own it!  

XOXO  Shelley

#braids #hair braids  #braiding #braid hair styles  #Shelley Goodstein  #braiding styles

Monday, October 24, 2016

Model Crush Monday - French Teen Supermodel Thylane Blondeau

At fifteen years of age teen supermodel Thylane Blondeau has already had an eleven-year career, and has had more career highlights than most models ever achieve. Born on the Ivory Coast to French parents, Patrick Blondeau, a Premier League soccer star, and Veronika Loubry, a TV presenter and actress, Thylane made her modeling debut walking the runway for Jean-Paul Gaulthier at only four years old.  She has since appeared in every major kids� fashion magazine, front countless kids and teens fashion campaigns, and has begun an acting career that includes her latest film Belle et Sebastian 2. 
Photos via Pinterest

 Thylane has already appeared in campaigns for Lacoste, Ralph Lauren and Chanel, and in the pages of Teen Vogue, Vogue Paris and on the cover of Jalouse Magazine.  
A longtime star on social media, she has over 622K followers on Instagram alone.  Pinterest has countless pages dedicated to her photos, and youtube clips.  
In 2016 Thylane became an ambassador for L�Oreal and walks and red carpets at film festivals and premiers the world over. 
 Needless to say, this is just the beginning of this new iconic French superstar-in-the-making!
"Little Thylane" 

xoxo  Shelley

#teen supermodel #Thylane Blondeau  #French supermodel #teen fashion models #French actress #Shelley Goodstein

Friday, October 21, 2016

How to: French Girl Beach Hair for Fall and Winter

Beach hair is one of the easiest and quickest hairstyles that suit almost everyone, striking the right chord between casual and sexy.  So why stop making beach waves just because summer has said sayonara until next year?  Don�t wait for your winter vacation to jump back into your favorite look. Done right, beach hair can be the perfect unfussy style for holiday parties and weekends alike.  The French have been doing it for years and would never want to appear like they spent too much time or attention on their hair.

Avoid the crunchy beach hair look by using the right techniques and products to create touchable waves.  Do not use a hairbrush at all or you will flatten out the waves and volume you are trying to create.  The first step is to apply mousse to your hair while it is still damp and then blow dry your hair by tossing it upside down.   The second step is to apply sea salt spray to your hands and then twist your hair into fairly large sections, twisting them in the same direction.  When the pieces begin to unravel the hair will fall into place.  Don�t brush or comb the hair but simply use your fingers to smooth the pieces slightly.  If your hair is extremely dry you can use a small amount of hair oil just on your finger tips along the outer edges of the twists to add a bit of shine, but be careful not to use to much as it will destroy the waves and make your hair look greasy. 

If your hair was washed a few days ago, start with a dry shampoo applying it to your hair while flipped upside down and then use your hair dryer on low or warm to plump up the volume of your hair while brushing out the dry shampoo to remove any excess oils without leaving any residue behind.  Then follow the first two steps and voila.  Proceed to tell all your friends when they compliment your hair that you just woke up like this and spent exactly one minute on your hair.  Relaxed, easy, sexy, unfussy hair is perfect year round especially during the holiday time-crunch so channel your cool, inner French girl and leave the complicated styles and techniques behind.  Tres jolie! 

                                                              xoxo  Shelley

#beach hair #french girl hair #easy fall hairstyles #Shelley Goodstein #best holiday hair