Monday, January 30, 2017

Model Crush Monday � Three New Supermodels Cover Vogue UK for February 2017

In a tribute to models as icons of style and beauty Vogue UK has broken the trend of celebs as cover stars and put three new supermodels on the cover of their February 2017 issue, lensed by the legendary Patrick Demarchelier. And it is high time!  We have waited too long between covers featuring models rather than celebrities or social media stars, and this issue is bound to become a collector�s edition in short order.  Kudos to British Vogue for bucking the trend and pressure from Hollywood to put a actress on the cover, especially during awards season. 

Imaan Hammam, Taylor Hill, and Anna Ewars are breakaway supermodels who represent the new era of beauty and fashion, swinging the pendulum clearly back to bombshell models with Amazonian bodies, curves, and individual looks that is as far from cookie-cutter as a model can get. 

Taylor Hill is the new face for Lancome, a classic beauty who can channel Audrey Hepburn one moment and Julia Roberts the next. 

Imaan Hammam, born in Holland an Egyptian father and Moroccan mother and is Muslim identifies with blacks, Arabs, and Europeans. 

Anna Ewars� femme fatale body combined with her sultry girl-next door looks hints at a new-era Brigitte Bardot, and has the campaigns, and editorials to prove it. 

It�s been a long time coming and we are so ready to be excited by supermodels again, eager to embrace these statuesque women with healthy bodies, and otherworldly beauty.  That incredible beauty is made all that much more intriguing by Vogue who chose to showcase these women without altering them with a lot of makeup or stylized hair.  They don�t need help to be gorgeous and it is so refreshing to celebrate a woman looking as �real� as a supermodel ever looks � thank you Vogue!  More please!!

                                                          XOXO Shelley

#the new model trifecta #Vogue UK February 2017 #models on covers #the new supermodels #Patrick Demarchelier  #Taylor Hill #Imaan Hammam  #Anna Ewars  #Shelley Goodstein

Friday, January 27, 2017

Beauty Tips: How to Get Rid of Under Eye Bags and Circles

Discoloration and under-eye bags are a challenge for many of us, and treating and hiding them is one of the top beauty concerns.  The skin beneath the eye is thinner and more delicate than that of the rest of the face, and needs special care and attention to minimize and hide them.  Heredity is one common cause, but modern living creates many culprits, from stress, being over-tired, staring at screens for hours, allergies, to dried-out contact lenses. Taking care of yourself and being mindful of these will improve your entire complexion, not just under-eye issues. There are things you can do to minimize and hide bags and circles that don�t require and trip to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, so take control and follow these tips to avoid looking older and more tired than you actually are.

Start from the inside out:

Drink more water to keep your skin plump and well-hydrated from within. 

Elevate your pillow at night so that the blood doesn�t pool under your eyes.

Get enough sleep and avoid using tablets and phones in bed. Focusing on screens is hard on the eyes, and it shows.

Exercise increases blood-flow throughout your entire body and naturally that includes your face where it maintains a healthy, glowing complexion through increased circulation. 

Use collagen-building creams and serums especially formulated for the eye area that contain retinol and vitamin C to combat circles, discoloration, and lines. 

Use eye masks or refrigerated cucumber slices to de-puff and cool the eye area.  

Concealer is your secret weapon � if you choose the right one:

Look for color-correcting concealers designed the cancel out the bluish hue of under-eye circles.  Peach concealer cancels out the blue tones, and yellow concealers diminish redness. Choose a color to even out the eye lids as well for the perfect foundation for your eye makeup look. 

Don�t choose a concealer that is too light or contains highlighters as this will accentuate the area and make you look a like raccoon in reverse.

Use a concealer brush to apply product and gently blend with your ring finger, avoiding any drag on the delicate eye area.

Top with foundation if you regularly use it, or skip it if you are going for a more natural look.  Gently set the concealer with a translucent power applied with a fluffy brush to avoid too much powder settling into the concealer.  Choose a powder that doesn�t contain any highlighter particles as this will draw attention to the area.   

Younger, brighter, healthier-looking eyes � done.

                                             XOXO  Shelley

#how to get rid of under eye bags  #how to get rid of under eye circles #dark circles under eyes #color-correcting concealers  #avoiding raccoon eyes with concealer #best concealers for eye area  #Shelley Goodstein


Monday, January 23, 2017

Model Crush Monday � The Face This �Top 10 Breakout Models of 2017�

We are crushing on these breakout models lighting up runways and editorials with their unique beauty, diversity, and fresh looks.  These women hail from all over the world and truly represent a new norm in the industry, shaking things up, each in their own way.  Some of these models are classic beauties who would have succeeded in any era, while others have an off-kilter beauty that challenges industry norms and perceptions.  Keep an eye on these women as they shake up the modeling world, challenging it to seek out new and original stars. #originalbeauties

Follow these beauties on Instagram @

Ellen Rosa  @ellenghr

Amanda Murphy @amandajeanmurphy

Ine Neefs  @ineneefs

Dilone  @_dilone

Ruth Bell  @ruthnotmay

Tami Williams  @tamiwilliamsofficial

Aneta Pajak  @aneta.pajak

Jing We  @jingwenll

Willow Hand  @willow.hand

Grace Hartzel  @gracehartzel

                                                             XOXO Shelley

#breakout models of 2017  #original beauty  #new era beauty #new supermodels #fresh faces #international beauty #new beauty in modeling #Shelley Goodstein

Friday, January 20, 2017

How Can I Make My Hair Grow Faster and Longer?

It�s one of the most-asked questions to hair stylists, and for good reason.  Hormones, birth control pills, the climate, diet, over-processing, and hair styling can all affect the growth of hair, and with today�s styles trending towards longer and fuller styles, everyone wants to know how to achieve their idea of dream hair.  Long, lucious hair is a sign of health and youth, and who doesn�t want to look healthier and younger??

Start with your diet:  make sure you eat protein, which produces keratin in your hair and is key to healthier scalp and follicles. Make sure you consume vitamins B, C and E, omega -3, biotin and iron, all of which are crucial to healthy hair.  The hair growth supplement Viviscal, which contains a marine protein amongst other nutrients, is highly-rated for its efficacy, and many celebrities and hair stylists swear by it. 

Fancy a scalp massage?  Go for it!  Regular massage both with your fingers and by brushing your hair increases the blood circulation to your scalp and the roots of hair follicles, and helps distributes your hair�s own natural, protective oils.  Use a clarifying shampoo twice a month to remove any buildup of product in your hair and on your scalp so that the pores around the follicles don�t become clogged, restricting growth. 

Give your hair a break by washing your hair twice to three times per week, not more.  Always use a conditioner to seal the hair shafts preventing loss of the natural oils of your hair.  Don�t overuse styling products, which can build up on hair follicles and scalp pores, and clog hair shafts.  Give your heated styling tools a rest time to time and use your hair dryer on a low to medium setting. 

Constantly wearing ponytails, braids, up-dos and headbands forces your hair follicles to lay against their natural growth direction and can cause hair fall.  It can also lead to traction alopecia, all of which decreases hair growth and damages follicles sometimes beyond repair.  Wearing your hair in its natural state is the best route to maximum hair growth, limiting hair loss and damage to the strands.

Masks and oils designed for your specific hair type can also improve the overall quality of your hair, treat damage, and refresh your scalp.  Use oils and masks twice a month as part of your hair-care regime.  Regular trims are important to prevent split ends from creeping up the hair shafts and causing further breakage, which in turn means that over time your hair will actually grow longer and stronger, free of damage. 

As we get older, meaning out of our teen years, we lose hair follicles every year, so doing what we can to retain and encourage growth is key to maintaining long, beautiful, full hair.  Start today and see the benefits within a few months. Win!

                                                         XOXO  Shelley

#how can I make my hair grow faster and longer?  #hair growth #hair dropping #preventing hair loss #growing hair longer #hair growth tips #Shelley Goodstein

Monday, January 16, 2017

Model Crush Monday � All-American Karlie Kloss

There are not too many models in the stratosphere of mid-western beauty Karlie Kloss.  And not just because she has reached the pinnacle of the modeling industry, but literally � Karlie is 6�2� � without heels.  Those legs go on for days - and days! At age 24, Karlie has already been modeling for a decade and has accomplished everything from high-end editorials, countless turns on the runway, cosmetic contracts, to fronting campaigns worldwide. 

Karlie is a long-time favorite of editors, photographers, and creative directors for her ability to move gracefully and fluidly, creating images that are striking and memorable.  She understands exactly what will work for her long lines, for which credits her many years of ballet training.  None of this would matter if she didn�t have her classic bone structure and uniquely arched eyebrows.  Just as she is able to create a story with her movements, she is just as animated with her expressions, making her chameleon-like, and a true original.  

Meeting Taylor Swift for the first while she performed at the Victoria�s Secret Fashion Show in 2013 while Karlie strutted the runway, began a friendship between the two that sets the bar for #squadgoals.  Two like-minded beauties with brains and talent � BFF�s forever. 

Using her influence to benefit others, Karlie, an avid baker, sells Karlie�s Kookies where a portion of the proceeds supports FEED Projects to donate meals to starving children worldwide - #loveher!  A passionate coder, she has also created a scholarship program for young girls to encourage them to learn computer programming and software engineering called Kode With Karlie. 

It�s not hard to see Karlie Kloss as the whole package, living and embodying the American dream, making her our #dreamgirl.

                                                            XOXO Shelley

#Karlie Kloss  #Kode with Karlie  #Karlie�s Kookies  #supermodels  #American supermodels  #top-ranked supermodels  #Taylor Swift�s girl squad  #Shelley Goodstein #Model Crush Monday