Sunday, September 24, 2017

Models as Social Media Influencers: The What, Why, and How to Succeed

Social media:  it is the new reality of modeling and cannot be ignored.  The entire fashion and beauty industries have been changed by the power of the individual on social media platforms, affecting advertising, branding, and even in some cases actual design.  For the first time in the world of modeling, models have more control over their personal brand image than ever before. 

By now we all know that having a large, engaged following on platforms like Snapchat, Instagram and Twitters is gauged as �influence� and clients are now considering a model�s own influence on social media in the casting process.  A model�s look or portfolio are not enough to land bookings in many cases, as clients are interested in models who have a large number of followers and will give a shout out to their brand, post or re-post project-related (and approved) images and video clips (stories), or simply have a recognized face and persona that are in line with their own brand image and reflects their target market.   So powerful is this influence that agencies are now representing talent that often does not conform to traditional model standards.  Tattoos, piercings, extreme looks, unnatural hair color, shorter types, and quirky models are now cast for campaigns because of their own personal influence and cool factor.  The ramifications for the standard models is enormous as the competition increases and the cult of personality becomes extremely important to a successful career. 

So what does that all mean to new models and those looking to take their career to the next level?  We asked several models and agents for their tips on how to manage this new side of the business of modeling to stand out and increase your own influence:

Content - What to post: 

- selfies: on set with makeup and hair done or in the process � no duck lips - ever
- natural selfies: clean, fresh, pretty
- inspirational pics or clips: working out and showing how fit you are
- eating real food: everyone loves seeing a model enjoying her meal
- street style: going to castings, with other models or alone
- smiling: this is often not a shot in a model�s book so this is the perfect place to show off your amazing smile
- activities: doing things that you love that show you are more than just a �model�, such as skateboarding, hiking, reading, cooking, days out with friends, family time
- travel: amazing views or sites that you really like such as skylines, beaches, art work, urban scenes
- behind-the-scene pics or clips: with permission - always
- your best features: if you have amazing eyes or long legs this is the perfect chance to show them off
- personality: show it off � this is your chance to be you
- humor: shows you are real, fun, and that you don�t take yourself too seriously
- clips: use Snapchat and Instagram Stories to bring your personal brand to life

How often to post:

Believe it or not some agencies require their models to post twice per day to build their feeds quickly with content.  And they are watching to see what you post, so keep that in mind.  Once you have established a reasonable number of followers on your platforms, once a day will be enough. 

Hashtags: #

- check what hashtags agencies and top models use and keep a list for yourself
- when posting to Instagram, use only a couple of hashtags in the initial post and then immediately comment on your own post to add a few more
- check the app Hashtagger to learn which tags are trending for the type of photo or clip you want to post
- common hashtags are #modellife, #modeloffduty, #modelstyle, #modelcasting, #onestowatch, #newfaces, #motivation, #backstage, #makeup, #behindthescenes, #modelstreetstyle

Do�s and don't�s:

- always check with the agency for their own rules regarding posts on your accounts
- it is not your model portfolio so only post test shots with the express permission of the photographer � always check so you don�t infringe on anyone�s copyright and credit everyone involved in creating that particular shoot
- post covers, runway images, and tear sheets interspersed with your personal pics and clips to show your progress and that you are a working model
- the fastest way to lose out on potential bookings with great clients is to post nudity or a lot of butt shots � unless that is the type of modeling work you want.

How to keep it authentic:

            This is your chance to have your own voice in your brand image, to have personality, and to be a �real� personal rather than a mannequin ready to be transformed into other people�s vision.   Be yourself and it will show.  Being precious sends the wrong message to potential clients and could actually hurt your chances of making strong impressions with potential clients.  Endear yourself to your followers and let them see what the modeling life is actually like.  Take them on your adventure and share this exciting time.  Be gracious and answer their comments, and delete the ones that throw shade.  It is your feed, your account, your brand.  

How to increase your followers:

- don�t buy followers � it is easy for other people to see that you did that and they will know you are trying to inflate your influence � and most of those followers will disappear quickly and your numbers will actually decline � you don�t want potential clients to see that negative spiral
- follow other models, photographers, brands, designers, art directors, editors, magazines, stylists, makeup artists, and clients
- comment quickly on other model�s and industry pros' posts so your comment is seen right away, and keep the comments friendly and fun, as other people might in turn check out your profile and follow you
- be regularly active on the platforms, both in posting and in commenting and liking
- be generous in your �likes� � what goes around comes around

Influence is here to stay and models must embrace it to succeed. Don�t be overwhelmed with the task of gaining influence.  Think of it as a way to control your brand image, outside of your portfolio.  Revel in being able to show your own style and personality, and use it as a tool to learn how to be a better model in front of the camera.  Find your best angles and expressions.  Practice moving in front of the camera.  Make it yours!

                                                               XOXO  Shelley

#businessofmodeling #modelsandsocialmedia #influencers #modeling101 #howtobreakintomodeling #gettingintomodeling #modelscouting #ShelleyGoodstein

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Golden Hour � Fall�s Most Enticing Beauty Color

Gold-toned makeup is often saved for holidays and special occasions, but that means missing out on a color palette that is flattering on every skin tone, depending on the intensity and depth of the shade, and how much sparkle you aim to show. 

Choosing one golden product can keep the shine factor to a minimum and is like a little beauty treat that stays work appropriate.  Try gold eyeliner, or layer gold gloss over your lip color to add warmth and shimmer.

Wearing a gold highlighter adds a warm glow to cheekbones and eyebrow bones and can be applied over your other products and blended for depth and to reduce the sheen.

All products shown available at 

For full on drama that gleams in candlelight or catches the club lights go for a gold eye shadow and lip color � and add the highlighter for an extra dose of glam. Depending on the sparkle element of the products you choose, gold can become one of the most versatile colors in your palette.  It can be layered over other colors to warm them up or to make them more intense, or stand out on its own for wow factor.  Either way, no beauty kit is complete with this most flattering shade.  

                                                    XOXO Shelley

#gold makeup #holiday makeup #fall makeup trends #makeup forecast #how to wear gold makeup #gold makeup for every day wear #Shelley Goodstein

Monday, September 18, 2017

Victoria Beckham for Estee Lauder � Miami Collection for Fall 2017

Throwing a little love to all the folks in South Florida after Hurricane Irma!  Victoria Beckham has collaborated again with Estee Lauder, releasing her newest collections for Fall 2017, each inspired by a different city:  LA, London, NYC, Paris, and Miami. 

Despite being the quintessential beach town, Miami never quite turns down the glam-factor, and pretty much the only place you will find ladies without much makeup is at the beach, and even there you are bound to find women who gleam and glow more from their cosmetics than from the humidity.  Miami women are peacocks and wearing notice-me outfits requires way more than a bare face, day or night.

Victoria channeled the sunset hues, the sand and beach, and the azur shimmer of the ocean for this collection.  Regardless of how you choose to wear the collection, the shades are versatile and can be worn with a light touch on glowing skin, or built up for more impact.  A pale pink lip is a sexy step up from a predictable nude lip or shiny lip gloss and gives the look a high end, fashionable appeal. 

Miami is always in style, just make sure to amp up your beauty game next time your in town.  Season is just about to begin!

                                                              XOXO Shelley

#Victoria Beckham #Estee Lauder #Victoria Beckham for Estee Lauder #Victoria Beckham Miami Collection #Miami beauty #beauty Fall 2017 #Shelley Goodstein

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Model's Street Style - NY Fashion Week Castings

NY Fashion Week is fast approaching and the agencies have all their best models and hopeful new faces all ready to go.  Show packages are delivered and the top casting directors� schedules are full.  The models are out in force, cramming in a dozen castings a day, all over the city and the boroughs, books in hand, trying to be one of the lucky models selected to walk in the premier runway shows in NYC. 

Some of my friends have lived this experience time and again, season after season, fashion capitol after fashion capitol.  The pace and the anticipation never changes, and despite the fact that the entire process belongs to the fashion industry, all eyes everywhere are on the models and their personal style. The casting �uniform� has barely changed in decades: skinny jeans, concert tees, tank tops, booties, black back packs (with high heels inside), leather jacket or hero jacket, sneakers, mini skirts, athletic wear, sunglasses, and a natural, makeup-free fresh face. 

Street style photographers are warming up on capturing these models as they race from casting to casting, showroom to showroom, all in preparation for fashion week when everyone�s style game is kicked up a notch � a major notch.  Show castings are a chance for the model to show off her personality and edge, and to prove to the casting directors and designers that they have the right look at the right time, and would rock it on their runway.  It�s a classic NYC cool look that just works, and no one does it better that these unicorns.  Good luck ladies!  We�ll be watching!

                                                             XOXO Shelley

#NYFashionWeek #modelstreetstyle #modelcastingstyle #fashionweekcastings #runwaycastings #fashionweek #modelcastings #ShelleyGoodstein