The fashion and modeling industries were in a negative spotlight this past week when supermodel Kate Upton accused Paul Marciano of the mega-brand Guess of sexual harassing her after grabbing her breasts when she was eighteen years old, clearly taking advantage of his power and position over the young model.
Rather than a situation of �he said, she said� the incident was witness and corroborated by fashion photographer Yu Tsai. Upton told her agency about the initial incident and rather than receiving their support, she was led to believe she had to �pay to play�, and that this was normal in the fashion business. Insulting her vocally on set by calling her �a pig� added to the abuse. It brings to question the entire culture of fashion advertising, including the actual production of the images. Surely Marciano�s comments did not fall upon deaf ears, and yet not one person stood up for Upton or called into question her treatment.

Upton has bravely come forward and shared her story in the media, putting a spotlight on a part of her life that she has managed to cope with, relegating it to her past. In no was is Kate�s experience unique or atypical in the modeling industry. Nearly every model has experienced some sort of harassment and lack of support. Young models need to understand that predatory behavior and abuse of power to exploit young people is not acceptable.

When other supermodels come forward with their own allegations and experiences and make Upton�s voice not a solo but a chorus, it will surely begin to balance the power between models and the industry. The more influential the model, the more attention will be drawn to the prevalence of this predatory behavior, and the industry�s lack of desire to correct it. What the fashion and modeling industry will look like, how it will function, and how transparent will become depends on the courage of these models who name names, agents who support their models and seek to protect them, and when designers, editors, and studios finally respect the model's human rights. Only then will their be a positive change in the business.

I firmly believe there is potential to denounce this culture of sexual harassment and abuse, and the subsequent ignorance and lack of defense for the models, and to shine a light on the truly status-quo-altering talent and creative vision that shape the world of fashion, editorial, and advertising, a process in which the models play a critical role.
If you are a model, know that you have a right to be respected. Agencies must listen and take a proactive approach if a model has allegations of abuse or harassment. Speak up and don�t be afraid to protect yourself. Success achieved at great personal expense can lead to health and wellbeing issues. Talk to other models, be fearless, and stand up for yourself and your future. It�s not only about your career as a model, but as a woman, and a valuable human being.
XOXO Shelley
#KateUpton #KateUptoncallsoutPaulMarcianoofGuess #KateUptonsexualabuseallegations #businessofmodeling #sexualharassmentinthemodelingindustry #sexualharassmentinthefashionindustry #ShelleyGoodstein